PaJFit (Parallel Job Fit) is simple software for simulating the scheduling of parallel jobs. It has a reduced set of classes that can be modified according to the user needs.  It has been developed in Java without any special library. PaJFit can be very useful for those who want something very simple for developing scheduling algorithms and visualise the output.

For now, it supports jobs with hard deadlines and jobs with specified starting time (advance reservations). Both types can be rigid or moldable. Users can use both GUI and command line (useful for scripts).

Important note: I have been developed this software according to my research needs for my PhD cadidature at University of Melbourne, Australia. Therefore,
please do not expect a very well designed object-oriented framework for developing scheduling algorithms. It is not a product. However, I am making it available since other people may find it useful. Of course, suggestions are very welcome ;-)

Developer and contact: Marco A. S. Netto: marco [dot] netto [at] gmail [dot] com  ---  web site:  http://www.marconetto.me


Version 0.3:  This version has support for multi-site environments and has a lot of optimizations to execute the simulations much faster. This version is based on what I developed to perform the experiments of the report "A Flexible Resource Co-Allocation Model based on Advance Reservations with Rescheduling Support", 2007. I'm still refactoring some parts of the source code and writing the documentation to improve the usability of the simulator. So please, if you want to have the code in the way it is now, just let me know.

Version 0.2:
This version is based on what I developed to perform the experiments of the paper "SLA-based advance reservations with flexible and adaptive time QoS parameters", published in Proceedings of ICSOC'07. Here I mainly included support for flexible advance reservations and some other heuristics. For details, please check the paper.
Software: Please find the file pajfit-v0.2 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pajfit
Documentation: javadocs of this version can be found [here]. For details, please check the paper.

Version 0.1: This version is based on what I developed to perform the experiments of the paper "Impact of Adaptive Resource Allocation Requests in Utility Cluster Computing Environments", published in Proceedings of CCGRID'07. However, I simplified some things. I mainly removed the job preemption because I thought it was a bit complicated. I also included some support for advance reservations.
Software: Please find the file pajfit-v0.1rc2 at
Documentation: Please find the documentation of this version [here]

Last update: October 17th, 2007  by Marco Netto