The documentation of the classes generated by javadocs can be found [here]. Naturally, only this documentation is not enough. So, below you can find some other useful information on PaJFit. I will try to include more details according to my time availability.

WORKLOAD FILE: This file contains the list of jobs to be scheduled. Each line is a different job

FOR RIGID: subtime starttime priceprofile deadline budget numnodes reqtime
FOR MOLDABLE: subtime starttime priceprofile deadline budget minnodes maxnodes MK MC

- subtime: submission time.
- startime: starting time. If startime is -1, it means that the job is an advance reservation.
- priceprofile: it is possible to specify different classes of prices for jobs.
- deadline: maximum completion time.
If the job is an advance reservation, deadline is ignored.
- budget: maximum amount of money the user will spend to execute the job
- numnodes: number of required nodes
- reqtime: amount of required time to execute the job

For moldable jobs:
- minnodes and maxnodes: minimum and maximum number of nodes
- MK and MC: parameters of function to calculate the required time according to number of nodes:
Example:  reqtime = MK - MC * numnodes

It is also possible to specify the number of nodes in the system by using 'nnodes xxx' where xxx is the number of nodes.

Example of content with three jobs:

nnodes 64
1          2500       3.000000   43200      14400      5          5          2880       0
2          500        3.000000   43200      14400      10         2880
464        -1         1.000000   34400      19184      5          5          2880       0

SCHEDULING:   In order to fit a job, the scheduler looks for free nodes in each scheduling event time. These event times are places in the time axis where a job finishes the execution. The first event time can also be the current time or starting time when scheduling an advance reservation.

Both on-line and batch job modes can be used. It is just a matter of modifying the workload to have all the jobs with submission time equal to zero.

Last update: April 11, 2007  by Marco Netto